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Symmetrical Design for Nautical Home Decoration

Building value antiquity a home not only in terms of old age alone. But also can be viewed from different angles, which looks unique. Even though it is a new building, which houses a symmetrical design for home decoration nautical style architecture has a very beautiful and special. At the front, the outer portion is made with a very beautiful and fascinating, giving rise to the main attraction. The parts can be made from a regular wall, then covered or coated with a slab of natural wood colored dark brown. From the left side to the middle, just short enough wall size. But from the middle to the right side edge of the higher high size.
On the outside of the house which is mounted high door that is no less unique shape, which is curved at the top. The color of the door is also the same as the color of natural wood with dark brown domination. Meanwhile, in the middle of that size began to rise earlier, can also be coated with natural wood with a symmetrical shape. Before entering into the room or house, in the front there is a terrace which is rather small in size. However, the terrace can also be performed with beautiful, because some of the vines are placed on the front of the house. Although the size of this plant is still relatively small, but it will make the atmosphere more and more felt the coolness wonderful for nautical home decoration.
Wall located at the terrace nautical home decoration, it looks a bit different than a regular house. The wall is divided into several sections, which are separated by lines which form symmetrical. In the middle there is a large enough window size and height to reach the top of the wall. While the door may be positioned on the left edge. For the lighting of the home, the owner can put considerable light on the main door, while the other angles can be given the support of smaller size with a rather large amount. Owners should think several times if you want to make the house durable. Regular maintenance is needed this home. Moreover, the dominance of the outer portion of a house made of natural wood.
Of course we also have to take into account the lighting present in the room for nautical home decoration. The entire lighting that will we give through several lights that we put on the ceiling of the room and also some parts of the walls of the room. Furthermore we can also do a combination of colors on all parts of the room that we wanted.


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